11 januarja, 2023

Ulična galerija | Street gallery

Street galerija je izložbeni razstavni prostor namenjen mladim ustvarjalkam_cem, ki se nahaja v Mladinskem centru ULCA, podhod glavne železniške postaje v Ljubljani.

Osnovna pravila delovanja Street galerije:

1. Namenjena je razstavljanju mladih ustvarjalk_cev, starih med 15 in 30 letom starosti. 

2. Mlade_i ustvarjalke_ci lahko svoja dela razstavljajo do enega meseca, z možnostjo podaljšanja, če ni drugih planiranih razstav. 

3. Mlade_i ustvarjalke_ci razstavo pripravijo s pomočjo mladinske_ga delavke_ca. 

4. Mlade_i ustvarjalke_ci pripravijo otvoritev razstave s pomočjo mladinske_ga delavke_ca. 

5. Mlade_i ustvarjalke_ci se morajo prijaviti preko spletnega obrazca. Ekipa sodelavk_cev ULCE bodo vsake dva tedna pregledale_i prejete prijave in kontaktirale_i mlade ustvajralke_ce. 

6. Razstavljena dela ne smejo biti diskriminatorna, kar bo pregledala ekipa sodelavk_cev ULCE.

Street Gallery is a showcase exhibition space dedicated to young artists, located in the ULCA Youth Centre, in the underpass of the Ljubljana Central Railway Station.

The basic rules of the Street Gallery:

1. It is intended for young artists between the ages of 15 and 30 years old. 

2. Young artists can exhibit their work for up to one month, with the possibility of extension if there are no other exhibitions planned. 

3. The young artists prepare the exhibition with the help of a youth worker. 

4. The young artists prepare the opening of the exhibition with the help of a youth worker. 

5. Young artists must apply via an online form. A team of ULCE co-workers will review the applications received and contact the young creatives on a bi-weekly basis. 

6. The work exhibited must not be discriminatory and will be reviewed by the ULCE team.

Last month artists

Riči is a student in photography living in Ljubljana. He build this idea of Street Gallery and decided to share with us his fantastic world full of life, colors, and details.

Check him out on Instagram !

