7. decembra 2020 je Mednarodni olimpijski komite potrdil 4 nove discipline na Olimpijskih igrah, ki so se odvile v Parizu leta 2024. Nove discipline so skateboarding, surfing, športno plezanje in breaking, kot prvi športni ples, ki je dobil svoje mesto na Olimpijskih igrah. Breaking pa se je pravzaprav pojavil že leta 2018 na Mladinskih olimpijskih igrah v Argentini, kjer je beležil najvišjo gledanost (v živo in preko spleta). Tekmovanj se je udeležilo do 30.000 gledalcev na dan. Pravilnik je spisalo nekaj največjih imen v plesu in začetnikov te kulture, kot so Dominik Fahr (and8), Kevin “Renegade” Gopie, Steve “Silverback” Graham, Patrick Grigo (and8), Dr. Gabriel Ma, Niels “Storm” Robitzky, Mario Roth (Six Step GmbH), Thomas Shaughnessy (WDSF). Več o pravilniku in breakingu pa na spletni strani: breakingforgold.com.
Niso pa vsi mnenja, da bi breaking moral biti del Olimpijskih iger. Eden najvplivnejših plesalcev in pravtako začetek breakinga, Ken Swift, je rekel sledeče:
“To each, his, or her own.
Breaking does not need the Olympics because we already have Hip Hop Culture some people just need Olympics and sports in their lives and that’s fine but now it’s clear that “the Olympics” needs Breaking. So, with that said, as I have said since the 80’s, Breaking is not a sport, it is a dance that has and will continue to be a part of worldwide dance communities as it has been since it’s beginnings. We have a structure already and even if the powers that be, want to try to label this a sport, we will always be sustainable as we always have been. This is world community art, this is dance that involves creativity, personal character, style and rhythm. The DJ provides the mood and we connect the culture. If there is no beat, there is no Breaking, there is just physical movement,…..I guess the “Breakdancers” will be perfect candidates for this Olympic approach.”
Rezultati OI v Parizu:
- mesto: Ami (Japonska)
- mesto: Nicka (Litva)
- mesto: 671 (Kitajska)
- Phil Wizard (Kanada)
- Dany Dann (Francija)
- Victor (ZDA)